
My appointments

Priscilla Mejías Sánchez

Priscilla Mejías Sánchez


I focus on:

  • Clinical psychology

My license

  • 8510 · Psychology Professional College of Costa Rica
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Individual Therapy
Online Medicine
Valuation Appointment
Coaching (labor, executive, life)
Coaching and mentoring: emotional support for work transition
Coaching Conductual
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Compassion-Centered Therapy
Conflict management
Emotional Guidance in Job Changes
Exercises to release tension, stress and trauma
Female Empowerment
Guide to the life project
Healing the Inner Child
Healthy masculinity
Personal empowerment (men and women)
Relaxation techniques
Stress and labor conflict
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Veracity check

All the ratings here are reviewed by our team to ensure they are real patients. People who leave their rating anonymously are also verified by our team to ensure that they did attend the appointment with this healthcare professional.


2 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

I am a licenced psychotherapist in Costa Rica. Although my core training is based on CBT, I understand that we all have unique personalities and needs. For this reason, I use a personalized approach with different tools/methods that best suit each client’s particular traits and needs. Please feel free to request a complementary 30-minute virtual consultation.

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My studies

Licenciatura en Psicología. Universidad de Iberoamerica UNIBE. September 2011 - December 2012
Bachillerato de Psicología. Universidad Fidélitas de Costa Rica. January 2009 - October 2011

My internships or trainings

Tratamiento de la dependencia afectiva: un enfoque cognitivo-conductual (2010)
Congreso Internacional de psicología, familia y pareja (2011)
I Congreso Nacional de Psicodrama (2010)
VII Congreso Nacional de Psicología (2010)
Bases Neurobiológicas, diagnóstico e intervención de trastornos frecuentes del neurodesarrollo (2009)
InternshipInvestigación con perspectiva de género (2019)
Voluntariado en trabajo social (Galway, Irlanda 2016-2017)
Voluntariado en investigación y desarrollo comunitario (2012-2013)
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Priscilla Mejías Sánchez

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