
My appointments

Raquel Goldstein Canales

Raquel Goldstein Canales

Pediatric DentistryDentistry

My license

  • 2536003 ยท Costa Rican Dental Association
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Price may vary depending on patient condition, clinic and treatment.
General Inquiry
Crown (temporary tooth)
Dental Cleaning
Dental cleaning with fluoride
Dental control and prophylaxis
Dental x-rays (fin, occlusal, periapical)
Endodontics in temporary works (pulpotomy, pulpectomies)
Fabrication of mouthguard
Fissure Sealants
Fluoride varnish - Child
Permanent tooth extraction
Preventive Resin
Resin-based filling
Shoe (Temporary Tooth)
Temporal tooth extraction
Temporary Restorations (glass ionomer, zinc oxide, basic restorations)
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23 patient reviews

Bedside manner / communication

About me

Since I was a little girl, I dreamed about doing something good for humanity. At first, I wanted to follow my father's footsteps and become a doctor because he is one of the people that I admire the most. However, when I was working with children and their families in social services it made me feel really happy when their oral health progressed and improved. From this, I immediately knew I wanted to become a pediatric dentist instead. What I like the most about my job is having the privilege of making my little patients and the people around them smile, everyday.

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My studies

Diplomado en Estomatología Pediátrica. ILECCE. March 2021 - March 2022
Specialty in Pediatric Dentistry. Universidad de Costa Rica - Facultad de Odontología. February 2003 - January 2006
Cirujana Dentista. Colegio de Cirujanos Dentistas de Costa Rica. October 2003 - October 2003
Doctor of General Dentistry. Licenciada en odontología y Cirugía Oral. April 2002 - April 2002

My courses

Curso RCP American Heart Association April 2022 - April 2022
Sedación con Oxido Nitroso en Odontopediatría April 2022 - April 2022
International Certification Positive Discipline for Parents and Families (Certified Parent Educator) - Positive Discipline Association January 2018 - May 2018
Odontología Minimamente Invasiva February 2017 - February 2017
NSC CPR January 2016 - February 2016
Professor Teaching Courses - Universidad de Costa Rica. San José, Costa Rica January 2007 - November 2007
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Bacterial plaque
Dental infection
Dental trauma
Teeth grinding/clenching (bruxism)
Bad breath
Oral thrush (creamy white lesions in mouth)
Sensitive gum
Sensitive teeth
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

Speaker: ACAD XXXV, "Relation between Nutrition and Oral Health" and "Handling of Pediadric Patients in Dentistry", 2010
Speaker: ACAD XXXVI, "Oral Health and Habits since Early Age", 2011
Speaker: "Homeopathy, a Therapeutic Option in Pediatric Patient Treatment", National Congress of Dentistry, 2012
Professor and Instructor at Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2006-2007
Professor and Instructor of Clinical Practice at Centro Nacional de Educación Especial Fernando Centeno Güell, 2007
Chief of Dentistry Unit at Parrita Public Hospital, 2002-2003
Invited Dentist at Buen Dia TV Show, presenting "Oral Health and Therapeutic Homeopathy for Gingival Disease Treatment in its Different Phases", 2011
Externado Clínico Hospital Nacional de Niños 2004-2006
Coordinadora del Subprograma de Atención Integral al Adolescente CCSS Pacífico Central 2003
Profesora Curso Epidemiología y Ecología de la Caries Dental Facultad de odontología UCR 2007-2008
Profesora Instructora Facultad de Odontología UCR en Clínica de Odontopediatría y Ortodoncia 2007-2008

I am affiliated with:

American Dental Association (ADA)
Costa Rican Academy of Pediatric Dentists
International Association of Paediatric Dentistry
Asociación Latinoamericana de Odontopediatría

I speak these languages:


My awards

2006 Research Award Dr. Ramón García Valverde - Category of Postgraduate Research
PINN MICITT Ganadores de Concurso para elaboración de un Proyecto de Investigación Formulación de un Gel Oral con Nanotecnología 2019-2024

My publications

Riesgos nutricionales e higiénicos asociados a la Caries de la Temprana Infancia en el binomio madre-hijo(a) en el distrito josefino de Rio Azul, 4ta edición, Noviembre del 2007. Revista Cientifica Odontologica CCDCR.
La Homeopatía: Una opción terapéutica en el marco de la atención odontológica, investigación biomédica científica en gingivitis, 2da edición, año 2006. Revista Cientifica Odontologica CCDCR.
Investigación: Creación de un Gel Oral Pediatrico a base de nanotecnología 2018-2024 UCR-PROINNOVA-LUTZTEIN INNOVATIONS
Revista VOS Importancia de la primera visita al dentista 2015
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Raquel Goldstein Canales

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