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Tobías Alcides Ramírez Rojas

Tobías Alcides Ramírez Rojas

Orthopedics and TraumatologyPediatric Orthopedics

My license

  • MED1797 · Physicians and Surgeons College of Costa Rica
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251 patient reviews

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About me

I became a doctor because I think it is a profession in which people can be helped a lot, I really enjoy direct contact with patients, see their good responses to their treatments. The same thing that I enjoy a lot when doing surgeries that are solving a problem for the patient.

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My studies

Specialty of Traumatology and Orthopedics. Universidad de Costa Rica. January 1979 - January 1983

My internships or trainings

Preceptorshipentrenamiento en fijacion externa y alargamiento oseos en verona Italia, EEUU, Cuba y Costa Rica
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I treat these patients:


I treat these medical conditions:

Bowed legs
Flat foot
Herniated lumbar disc
Ankle sprain
Bone cancer
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Congenital and acquired deformities of the foot and ankle
Fractured bone
Fractured hand
Fractured hip
Muscle contracture
Neck pain, shoulder and hips
Nerve compression
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Do you want to know more about me?

I worked on:

assistant of orthopedics and traumatology HNN, CENARE and INS. UCIMED university professor. Head of the National Children's Hospital Service, Head of the HNN Clinic Professor at the University of C: R at the undergraduate and graduate level.
Exdirector of postgraduate orthopedics and traumatology UCR

I am affiliated with:

Member: Orthopaedics and Traumatology Association of Costa Rica

I speak these languages:


My awards

2014 Premio congreso mundial Brasil 2014
2011 Premio sociedad Peruana de ortopedia y traumatología 2011

My publications

Año LXXVI numero 589 tomo LXVI julio_setiembre 2009 Tratamiento quirurgico de la PCT
Revista medica de Costa Rica y centroamerica LXVII 595) 479-484 2010 Alargamiento de miembros inferiores en niños antes del primer año de edad.
Revista medica de Costa Rica y Centroamerica LXXI 611)481-484,2014 Alargamiento de peroné en tobillos valgos.
Congresista taller de Deformidades angulares 15 de noviembre del 2013, san francisco de Campeche, Mexico
Congresista En la III jornada Internacional de ortopedia y traumatología pediátrica del 18 al 19 de junio del 2014, San José Costa Rica.
Congresista 2018 punta del este Uruguay 11 al 13 de abril 2018.
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Tobías Alcides Ramírez Rojas

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