
My appointments

Consultorio Dr. Guillermo Suárez Castro

Consultorio Dr. Guillermo Suárez Castro

Book online or call us to make an appointment at +506 4040 0808.

San Rafael, Escazú, San José, Costa Rica

Address: Próspero Fernández Highway, San Rafael, Escazú, San José;


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Schedule an appointment online with one of the doctors from Consultorio Dr. Guillermo Suárez Castro, Hospital CIMA..

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(Joint Commission International (JCI, is an organisation that has been working to provide accreditation services for hospitals around the world since 1999. Since then, approximately 450 public and private health care organizations in 50 countries have been accredited or certified by JCI. Hospitals use JCI accreditation to show that they have attained an internationally respected and recognised standard in their internal processes and patient care.