
My appointments

Jessica Ramirez Bustos

Jessica Ramirez Bustos


I focus on:

  • Clinical psychology

My license

  • 10831 ยท Psychology Professional College of Costa Rica
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1 patient reviews

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About me

My experience as a professional in psychology has allowed me to understand the psychic structure of people as well as allowing me to contribute in areas such as workshops and talks on topics of our emotional care and mental health. The management of stress and anxiety, the chemistry of happiness, suicide prevention, emotional attachment, violence in our current society, are some of the topics that have been taught in these workshops and talks.

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My studies

Degree in psychology. Universidad Católica de Costa Rica. November 2010 - June 2017

My courses

Certificado Habilidades para la Evluación de Idoneidad Mental para Solicitantes de Adopción EIMPSA 2023 - 2023
Certificado Prevención, Detención y Tratamiento de los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria 2022 - 2022
Certificado en Terapia Focalizada en las Emociones Basado en Parejas 2021 - 2021
Certificado Abordaje Cognitico Conductual del Trastorno de Ansiedad Generaliizada. 2019 - 2019
Taller Teórico Práctivo de Instrumentos de Evaluación PAI y Cuida 2018 - 2018
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iconThe information in this profile is entered and updated by the professional Jessica Ramirez Bustos

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